Exploring sound

I love music

When I was young I used to play the trombone, I absolutely despised because I was made to do it. Now I want to bring the trombone back! I’m scrolling through Facebook market place to find one…

I love attending drumming circles and I have also facilitated a drumming circle workshop. Combining the drumming with visual arts.

I have started to attend a monthly drumming circle at The Land, Little Eaton. A beautiful communal place set in a bluebell woodland and wildflower fields.

My favourite drum is the shamanic drum – I love the sound!

Previously I facilitated a workshop for a group of 3-5 year olds where we made our own instruments, including drums.

Now I’m not professional.. I just like to play and have fun with the instruments. Revoking the pressure of it being ‘perfect’

Below find some links to my personal exploration of sound/ music

Playing with the drum I got from a carboot. 2 for £5! Managed to haggle the price down🤣

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