Let me introduce myself..

I am Millie Rose, I am a creative arts practitioner and abstract artist. I love going out in the community, meeting new people and facilitating a space where people can explore and connect with the arts. I believe the arts act as a vital tool in supporting people on their life journeys. Exploring the arts is not only fun but it also helps us learn a lot about ourselves.

I am currently studying in my third year at The University of Derby on the Creative, Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing BA degree course. During this course I have learnt the importance of Arts for Health and creativity.

For me, the arts have acted as a tool for self discovery. I have struggled with my mental health over the years (and currently) I have used the arts as a coping mechanism, a way to get out of that ‘funk.’ I want to offer over people the same opportunity.

I participate in a lot of workshops in the community, I live in Belper which is thriving with creative projects! I have found so much connection in the community, through visual arts, movement, storytelling, music, drama and much more I have found out who I am, who I want to be and who I want to be around.

I used to work in a secondary school in the SEND department and Alternative curriculum centre. During this time I would work with young people bringing in creativity and nature to support their wellbeing. This experience led me to my current place studying at University, a place I never thought I’d be ( third time lucky) doing something I love!

I love to facilitate workshops in the community, at festivals and many other places!

Below, are some photographs from previous workshops, exhibitions and my personal artwork.

Enjoy! And thank you for being here 💚

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